Acupuncture and Dry Needling
First-visit: 45 minutes Typical visit: 30 minutes Useful for a wide variety of health concerns, acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine and involves thin, single-use needles. Many people often seek out acupuncture for musculoskeletal issues such as pain in the lower back, shoulders, or knees. Acupuncture, administered by a Naturopathic Doctor, can be used in combination with other conventional therapies. The quantity of needles placed per session depends on the unique treatment plan. Sessions may also involve connecting the needles to a small electric pulse which sends energy to the muscles more rapidly, driving a release of endorphins to effectively reduce pain. Needles may also be manipulated manually, once inserted, to effectively engage muscles. A specific type of needle manipulation called “dry-needling” may also be recommended and involves a more intense stimulation using acupuncture needles to penetrate dense muscle knots. Meet Naturopathic Doctor and acupuncture provider, Dr. Erin Balodis |
100-2111 Maitland Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia
902 406 2006 | [email protected] |